KODA. Home of real corporate bonds.

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Celebrating 30 years in business

Strong commitments

Powerful resources



KODA operates market leaders.

KODA companies make world-class products.


KODA Enterprises Group acquires companies which are or have the potential to be market leaders. We work together with management teams and employees committed to that goal. Our operating style will free a company from potentially stifling bureaucracy or take an already entrepreneurial company and help it develop the professional disciplines necessary to grow.

KODA has limited outside investors with equity interests or short-term exit strategies, so a long-term perspective prevails. With extraordinary relationships and outstanding reputation in the financial, investment banking, and M&A communities, we intend to continue our growth by focusing on our current industry groups, as well as seeking out promising new ones.

  • Successful Track Record

    A 30 year history of business successes.

  • Resources and Management

    We provide our operating companies with the financial resources and human capital they need to succeed.

  • Rapid Acquisitions

    Transactions are done quickly with efficient due diligence, and our strong relationships in capital markets.

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